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Certified TIPCHECK Experts

Certified TIPCHECK Experts

Please see below a list of EiiF-certified TIPCHECK Experts. You can use the search bar to find TIPCHECK Experts in your country, and in order to get in touch with one of our TIPCHECK Experts, please download the TIPCHECK Expert list ("Download PDF list" under Experts) or contact

You can also filter the results by level. The different levels are explained here: Who can participate | EiiF.

First name Surname Level Company Country
István Ágoston-Palkó  1 Dynoteq Kft. Hungary
Arjwan Albu-Rahl 2 INFRACAM Netherlands
Fabio Amato 2 New Componit Srl Italy
Florian Arnaud 1 Knauf Insulation France
Wolfgang Arnold 1 Eugen Arnold GmbH Germany
Djounaydi Assoumani 1 KAEFER France
Mustafa Ates 1 ROTH AG Switzerland
Azanie Azmi 1 ROCKWOOL Asia Malaysia
Daniel Babocsan 2 Dynoteq Kft. Hungary
Matteo Bagnoli 1 Termisol Termica Srl Italy
Liutauras Bajarskas 1 Owens Corning Lithuania
Simone Balbi 2 New Componit S.r.l. Switzerland
Walter Bambey 2 Eugen Arnold GmbH Germany
Stefan Barthel 1 Roth AG Bern Switzerland
Tobias Baumert 1 ROTH AG Switzerland
Dirk Behring 1 Kaimann GmbH Germany
Andreas Beifuß 1 Bilfinger arnholdt GmbH Germany
Ronald Berens 1 Vinke Isotechniek BV Netherlands
Djura Bindas 1 Armacell Serbia
Daan Boelsma 1 BPE Projects B.V. Netherlands
Yves Boons 2 Saint-Gobain Isover Belgium
Simon Bosher 1 Saint-Gobain Interior Solutions United Kingdom
Berry Branten 1 BIT Duurzaam Netherlands
Maximilian Braun 1 Bilfinger arnholdt GmbH Germany
Thomas Braunsburger 1 Lindner Isoliertechnik & Industrieservice GmbH Germany